Banner art by Jason Engle

Things are slowing down a little bit and I am seeing a light where I can actually focus on getting this Dark Sun game going. In so doing I’ve gone back through and made a couple edits and updates to a few of the race entries. The original post and race entries can be seen here.

The biggest thing is that I have made the allowance for the second racial bonus to be floating for all the races. I’ve kept the ‘core’ (+2) stat as it is but players can now put the +1 stat bump wherever they see fit. I keep the recommended ability listed for initial reference.

This does a couple things: first and most importantly it gives the players more leeway to create and support the type of character they want to play. Secondly it allows for variety within the different races of Athas without including the original D&D subraces.

Racial Changes

Dwarves. I added Dwarven Combat Training and included medium armor and shield proficiency. I’ve also added advantage versus exhaustion effects to Dwarven Resilience. These two items help make the Athasian dwarf a solid blend of the original two subraces in the PHB.
I also removed the Magical Aversion trait. As iconic as it was to dwarves in earlier editions I don’t think that mindset would play very will in the current landscape though I still find it interesting.

Elves. Clarified the Long Run: advantage on checks related to overland movement and forced marches. No checks until they travel a number of miles equal to their speed plus Constitution score.

Halflings. I added Lucky back into the halflings. Not sure why I pulled it as it doesn’t detract from their savagery.

Half elves. No changes at this time.

Half giants. Added -2 to Int. This was in conjunction with a PC planning to play one. Kobolds give precedent for a negative ability score modifier and this does help balance out the big Strength bump.

Jozhal. No changes at this time.

Mul. No changes. Considering allowing Mul to remove one level of exhaustion with a short rest but they’ve got a lot going on already.

Pterran. Updated the wording on their claws to “natural melee weapons” and removed the unarmed strike reference.

Tarek. No changes at this time. Fight past death still makes this something I’d love to play.

Thri-kreen. No changes at this time. Considering a level requirement for the Poisonous Bite racial feat.

Now back to the game

That’s it for now. Just a few tweaks really. One step closer to getting this game going. Now to fill out the roster and play!

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